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Glebe Little League

Removal-from-Sport Protocol

The following outlines a process for immediate removal of an athlete who is suspected of having sustained a concussion.  Each team will have a desginated person to carry out the protocol when necessary.

1.         Remove the Athlete
Designated person(s) to immediately remove the athlete from further training, practice or competition if the athlete has sustained a concussion or is suspected of having sustained a concussion regardless of whether the concussion or suspected concussion was sustained from an activity associated with Glebe Little League.

2.         Call 9-1-1 if Emergency
Designated person(s) to call 9-1-1 if in their opinion, doing so is necessary (e.g., if there is an emergency and any red flag signs and/or symptoms appear).

3.         Inform
If the athlete is under 18 years of age, Designated person(s) to inform the athlete’s parent or guardian about the removal from further training, practice or competition.
A medical assessment determines whether the athlete has a concussion. An athlete will not be permitted to return to training, practice or competition until they receive medical clearance by a physician or nurse practitioner to do so.

Designated person(s) to advise the athlete, or the parent or guardian if the athlete is under 18 years of age, that the athlete is required to undergo a medical assessment by a physician or nurse practitioner before the athlete will be permitted to return to training, practice or competition.    

4.         Give Protocols
Designated person(s) to provide the athlete or, if the athlete is under 18 years of age, the athlete’s parent or guardian with the Glebe Little League Removal-from-Sport and Return-to-Sport protocols as soon as possible after the athlete has been removed from further training, practice or competition.

5.         Record the Incident
Make and keep a record of incidences where an athlete is removed from further training, practice or competition because they are suspected of having sustained a concussion regardless of whether the athlete is later diagnosed with a concussion. 
GLL will limit the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information to that which is reasonably necessary for the purpose of carrying out the the removal-from-sport protocols, and to limit access to such personal information to only those individuals who require it for the purpose of fulfilling their duties or obligations under the Act, O.Reg. 161/19: General. Personal information collected under this protocol shall be retained, disclosed and disposed of in a secure manner and in accordance with the sport organization’s personal information retention policy.

6.         Returning to Training, Practice or Competition
Once removed, the athlete is not permitted to return to training, practice or competition, except in accordance with the Glebe Little League Return-to-Sport protocol.


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